by Leroy Hurt | Oct 27, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Technology, Organizational.Project management, Sectors.Government
Via Washington Post: As we learn more about what went wrong with the design and launch of, a few broad principles have emerged about how to fix the procurement system so this kind of debacle — which isn’t the only non-functional Web site the...
by Leroy Hurt | Oct 27, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Technology, Organizational.Project management, Sectors.Government
Via Washington Post: As we learn more about what went wrong with the design and launch of, a few broad principles have emerged about how to fix the procurement system so this kind of debacle — which isn’t the only non-functional Web site the...
by Leroy Hurt | Oct 27, 2013 | Issues.Surveillance, Sectors.Transportation
Via LA Times: As America’s road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car. The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives...
by Leroy Hurt | Oct 27, 2013 | Issues.Surveillance, Sectors.Transportation
Via LA Times: As America’s road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car. The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives...
by Leroy Hurt | Oct 27, 2013 | Sectors.Education
Via Instapundit and Inklings: My decision to leave isn’t really about my department or university in particular, but about a perverse incentive structure that maintains the status quo, rewards mediocrity, and discourages potentially high-impact,...