What makes jokes funny?An interesting summary of theories about what makes for humor:Benign violationIncongruitySurpriseHe also makes the point that humor is social. We laugh more readily when we’re with other people. More interestingly, he casts humor as a...

What makes jokes funny?An interesting summary of theories about what makes for humor:Benign violationIncongruitySurpriseHe also makes the point that humor is social. We laugh more readily when we’re with other people. More interestingly, he casts humor as a...

Government transparency through dataVia Government Technology, “municipalities across Kansas are mobilizing information to inform the citizenry and drive government performance.” Examples of initiatives:”In the state capital, Topeka officials just...

Government transparency through dataVia Government Technology, “municipalities across Kansas are mobilizing information to inform the citizenry and drive government performance.” Examples of initiatives:”In the state capital, Topeka officials just...

Sleeping on the planeFor those who sleep better when their head is forward instead of back against the seat, you can use a chin rest instead. Click the image to get the description at Amazon.I found it very helpful during a flight from the US to the Philippines.