by Leroy Hurt | Nov 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
A recap of a TikTok gives us an idea about how people feel about being required to return to the office after a long pandemic-created hiatus. Main point: “Many viewers [of the TikTok video] unequivocally stated that there’s no benefit to working in an office...
by Leroy Hurt | Nov 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
An article I read described characteristics of self-made millionaires and dug into how they got that way. Main point: “They [233 millionaires] quit their mid- to late-career jobs, saying they felt it was the only way they could truly succeed and build...
by Leroy Hurt | Nov 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
Are you on the EV bandwagon. There are advantages to using them, but there are also things that need work. One influential YouTube tech reviewer had some thoughts. Main point: “…driving an EV may not be as hassle-free as some had thought, as YouTube star Marques...
by Leroy Hurt | Nov 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
I pulled this up from some older news. An amazing development: a system that translates brain activity into text, a boon for those who are physically unable to write or type. Main point: “The device – part of a longstanding research collaboration called...
by Leroy Hurt | Nov 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
An article gives us a glimpse of what we can expect from this year’s weather patterns. Main point: “El Niño is expected to arrive later this year, and the warmer weather pattern could continue to build up through 2024, sending global temperatures past that...