What are the top five books you must read?

Via Barking Up The Wrong Tree: What are the top five books you must-read? | Barking Up The Wrong Tree Click the link above for short summaries; click the links below to buy the books:...

What are the top five books you must read?

Via Barking Up The Wrong Tree: What are the top five books you must-read? | Barking Up The Wrong Tree Click the link above for short summaries; click the links below to buy the books:...

WTFlevel.com: Real-Time updates on Twitter Swearing

Via Trend Hunter WTFLevel.com is a project to track and monitor the amount of swearing on Twitter at any given moment. It’s mostly a humorous attempt to get an idea of how aggravated the planet is at any moment. We continuously check Twitter for references to a...

WTFlevel.com: Real-Time updates on Twitter Swearing

Via Trend Hunter WTFLevel.com is a project to track and monitor the amount of swearing on Twitter at any given moment. It’s mostly a humorous attempt to get an idea of how aggravated the planet is at any moment. We continuously check Twitter for references to a...