by Leroy Hurt | Jun 29, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Management, Organizational.Functions.Technology
Via Business Insider: Most successful projects have a single engineer responsible for driving the project forward while ensuring that strong technical decisions are made with confidence. Typically, that person is referred to as a Tech Lead. They often don’t manage...
by Leroy Hurt | Jun 29, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Management, Organizational.Functions.People
Via Business Insider: What did Google do to provoke such amusing evidence of workplace frustration? Has the Zagat acquisition been a waste of Google’s time and money and gone terribly wrong? After speaking with a number of sources, some of whom worked in...
by Leroy Hurt | Jun 29, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Management, Organizational.Functions.People
Via Business Insider: What did Google do to provoke such amusing evidence of workplace frustration? Has the Zagat acquisition been a waste of Google’s time and money and gone terribly wrong? After speaking with a number of sources, some of whom worked in...
by Leroy Hurt | Jun 9, 2013 | Individual.Elements.Commons.Arenas.Environments and systems, Issues.Complexity, Organizational.Functions.Management
Via Business Insider: the world is a complex place and it’s only getting more so, which is why many management thinkers have been urging businesses to embrace complexity, to become, in effect, system thinkers rather than reductionists. As Richard Straub noted in a...
by Leroy Hurt | Jun 8, 2013 | Organizational.Elements.Culture, Organizational.Functions.Management
Via Business Insider: We have what we call an “uncomfortable level of transparency” where we share information as if every employee was a [top] manager. Our wiki exposes things like cash balance, burn rate last month, valuations, impact on dilution,...
by Leroy Hurt | Feb 3, 2013 | Organizational.Functions.Management
Via Business Insider: Most of us, write Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan in their new book The Org: The Underlying Logic Of The Office, “imagine a world without managers as a kind of paradise where workers are unshackled by pointless bureaucracy… a place where stuff...