At least that’s what the author of the linked article would say to today’s graduates. The author believes batteries are the next big thing. Influencers in young people’s lives will find it worth their time to learn a little more about possible careers in this field so they can give wise advice.

Main point: “We’re living in battery-powered times.”

Photo from Stocknation

More about it:

  • A bright future: “There are fortunes to be made and new megacorporations to be built.”
  • A clean future: “Batteries are key to decarbonizing our economies.”
  • No Moore’s Law for batteries: “He [Gordon Moore} also said that the same sort of performance increase would not happen for devices that needed to store energy.”


  • The article didn’t really address the waste produced in manufacturing batteries.
  • Ongoing innovation and improvement in battery technology may result in career fields that don’t exist today.