Via Business Insider:

Dedication and talent mean a great deal, but how you go about learning something can mean just as much. Technology, technique, and definition narrow the places where the 10,000 hour rule applies. 

10,000 Hour Rule – Business Insider


  • “…becoming world-class in something requires 10,000 hours of dedicated practice, originated with K. Anders Ericsson and was brought to a huge audience by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers.
  • “…becoming world class can take much less time, less than six months if you use certain learning techniques.”
  • “Sometimes generalists who haven’t dedicated themselves to any one thing can be superior.”

Ponder: Servanthood involves managing three assets and augmenting that management with four multipliers:

  • Assets:
    • Time
    • Talents
    • Treasure
  • Multipliers:
    • Training
    • Technology
    • Trade-offs
    • Transformation (this is what innovation and creativity can do; it can vault you past the limits of the assets you manage)